Paris (AFP)

EELV leader Yannick Jadot is not opposed in principle to the pension system by points but warns of a "risk" in the project of the government, which he is opposed in the state, asking for "guarantees" , Tuesday in a tribune at HuffPost.

Mr Jadot demonstrated last Thursday in Paris during the first day of mobilization, but not on Tuesday, attending the COP25 in Madrid as a MEP.

"We share the goal of setting up a universal pension system," he wrote on the eve of Prime Minister Edouard Philippe's speech to the EESC specifying the reform.

Indeed, according to Yannick Jadot, the current system is "too complex and difficult to read" and maintains "significant differences, especially between employees of the private sector and the public".

"The choice of the calculation of pensions is not in our eyes the central question," said Jadot, referring to the point system wanted by the government but against which the CGT, FO and the majority of the left do block.

"Well used, it can help to adapt our solidarity to new insecurities as new social mobility," he said. But he adds: "Misused, it can help break intra- and inter-generational solidarity and accentuate individualism."

Mr. Jadot also points out the "risk" that the point system does not guarantee "a sufficient retirement for everyone": "This level of retirement no longer depends only on past wages but also on the value attributed to this famous point and the way to make it evolve, "he says.

Yannick Jadot therefore asks for "credible guarantees that the point will not be managed by technocrats of Bercy according to purely accounting criteria". The social partners must "find a real decision-making role in steering the system," he insists.

It must also fully take into account the "hardship", the "work of Sunday" or "night", argues the MEP.

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